sábado, 2 de diciembre de 2006


No pueden decir que no los quiero, queridos bloglectores. Hoy, a pesar de estar apuradísimo haciendo el fregado trabajo de L&A, no puedo desatender la voz del deber que me llama a postear una que otra cosa edificante para ustedes, mis bloglectores.
Así que, en concordancia con lo que soy y apelando a mi gusto por el porn, he decido ponerles algunas citas que se encuentran en el sitio de una de mis estrellas porno favoritas: Johnny Hazzard. (Aplausos. Suspiros). Buscando una foto de sus tatuajes (bueno, entre otras cosas), me encontré con que tiene un blog (¡vaya!, ¿quién no lo tiene en estos días?) y, por cierto, escribe bastante bien (para visitarlo haz clic aquí).
Bueno, para no hacer el cuento largo, aquí van las mentadas citas:
  • "Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges." - Bob Paris
  • "The next time someone asks you, 'Hey, howdya get to be a homosexual anyway?' tell them, 'Homosexuals are chosen first on talent, then interview, then the swimsuit and evening gown competition pretty much gets rid of the rest of them." - Karen Williams
  • "I have no respect for the gays that have come before me that kissed straight society's arse by hiding. They reinforced the idea that we are shameful. Kids are still mentally abused by society because there are not enough visible gay adult heroes or idols or role models. Straights need us in their face to be educated and gain respect. Young gays need us to look up to until they form their own identity. It's fucking ridiculous we ever have to "struggle" with being gay. Gay is sexy as fuck and fun as hell. Maybe we should be thrilled it's still taboo... It makes it that much more exciting." (Lo siento, no sé quien dijo esto).
  • "Heterosexuality is not normal, it's just common" - Dorothy Parker

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